
Monday, June 8, 2009

We are going to a church called "The Commons". The pastor is a young man with a beautiful wife and three darling little girls. They have been transplanted here from Texas, and have been in western Washington for just over a year. We went for a few months last year, but for some reason, we quit going. This year as I am concentrating on my boys' spiritual health, I felt the Lord was telling me to go back to The Commons.
This year they have started a youth group with an energetic leader named Cham. The boys really like Cham. They connect well. Right now the youth group meets on Sunday evenings. The junior high and high school ages are currently meeting together, but Cham hopes to seperate them soon. We have offered our home for these meetings, maybe this summer we will be hosting one of the groups. I am excited that the boys will be spending time with a "cool" young man who loves the Lord with all his heart, soul and mind.
Pastor Tim is currently teaching us out of the book of 2 Timothy (his favorite). The series he is teaching is called "Living a life worth telling stories about". It causes me to stop and think about my story. What will people say at my funeral? What do they say now? What do I want them to say? Eight years ago, at Manuel's funeral, people stood and told of the change they saw in Manny, how they came to know Christ because of it. He had been a Christian for about 1 1/2 years, and the lives he affected with his testimony were numerous.
Right now, I am starting to write my story. I want my life to affect people that way. I want my children to say they served the Lord because of me. I want my friends to say I was different from all thier other friends and mean it in a good way. Paul challenged Timothy to preach the word, bringing light to darkness.
Recently, my long time friend asked me what I thought the purpose of life is. My answer is to know God, to have a relationship with him. Now, I am going to add, and to bring others to this knowledge.
From this Sunday's service: Faith is a muscle, when you begin to work out it hurts. As the muscle gets stronger, you can do more. Then you find yourself able to do greater and greater things. - Fulfill your destiny!


  1. Awesome post! Loved the service topic!

  2. Great post - I am so hoping Travis and I get back to The Commons. "Life" shouldn't be too busy to go to church!

  3. I am so glad your back to the commons but I am sad that I am not there with you. You were always full of knowledge! You helped me become a better christian.

    Thank you,



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